RM Information Security has chosen The Cyber Scheme as its preferred certification for penetration testing. Our consultants have achieved the senior level Cyber Scheme qualification “Cyber Scheme Team Leader (CSTL) Web Application”.
The examination is based on:
Scoping Session: All candidates share a common scoping briefing. During this candidates are asked questions concerning the scope of the penetration test. During the session, the Assessor plays the role of the commissioning client.
Practical Penetration Test: The candidate’s laptop is connected to the assessment infrastructure, from which an assessed penetration test is carried out, as defined in the scoping session.
Interview: During the interview, the candidate is required to produce a site map. This shows all of the application’s pages and API functionality which were discovered and tested. The candidate must carry out a debrief to the commissioning client (Assessor) of the significant aspects of the practical penetration test. The Assessor may ask the candidate to explain any aspect of the process that was followed during the practical test.

The Cyber Scheme is one of only two organisations accredited by GCHQ/NCSC to offer examinations that meet UK Government Standards in Penetration Testing. The NCSC, as the National Authority for Cyber Security, ensures that the Cyber Scheme is operating at the highest standards in the delivery of our training and examinations. Certifications issued by the Cyber Scheme are therefore recognised by NCSC as meeting the necessary standards to apply for membership of the NCSC CHECK scheme.
Quality of service delivery is subject to regular audits and is monitored on an ongoing basis by the NCSC. This ensures that course content reflects the current cyber security trends and threats and that the examination processes are robust and as near real world as is possible in an examination environment.
For the Cyber Scheme Team Leader (CSTL) certification, a testing environment was developed that provides near real-world challenges for candidates through randomly generated scenarios, meaning no two candidates will ever sit the same test. Successful candidates and future employers can therefore be assured that the certification has fully tested the candidate’s knowledge, experience and creative thinking within the world of penetration testing.
Penetration Testing Services
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