Specialist Penetration Testing Manchester and Information Security consultancy with a focus on customer service.
We combine our expert knowledge and experience with a commitment to clear communication, which helps our clients achieve the best value from their projects.
At RM Information Security the people you speak to are the people who will deliver the test and provide you with ongoing support. We understand that good security goes way beyond penetration testing. Our pragmatic and risk-based approach helps clients resolve problems and develop a roadmap for better security.

About Us
RM Information Security was formed in November 2015 as a perfect synergy with Mark’s and Rob’s skills. Mark’s background is in Penetration Testing and managing Information Security for FTSE 100 companies. Rob’s background in operational management and customer relations allowed RM Information Security to create an offering with technical excellence, and great communication at its core.
We understand that security testing can be difficult to navigate, but that’s not how we do business.

We are an enabler for better information security practices. We consult with our clients throughout their projects to confirm understanding and identify knowledge gaps. We are honest and transparent in everything we do because we realise that our client relationships are the basis for our success. Whilst our main focus is identifying vulnerabilities, we also pay attention to “softer” deliverables such as communication, turnaround times, flexibility, professionalism and pro-activity.
We aim to create lasting and successful business relationships that see us become your trusted security advisor.
The Cyber Scheme
RM Information Security has chosen The Cyber Scheme as its preferred certification for penetration testing. Our consultants have achieved the senior level Cyber Scheme qualification “Cyber Scheme Team Leader (CSTL) Web Application”.

ISO27001 and ISO9001 Certified
At RM Information Security, we take the security and confidentiality of our customers’ data very seriously.
We are proud to announce that we have achieved the prestigious ISO 27001 and ISO9001 certifications, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to the highest standards of Information Security and Quality Management.

Penetration Testing Services
Get in Touch – We’re All Ears!
At RM Information Security we love to chat. Reach out to us however you feel most comfortable. We can’t wait to hear from you.
📞 Give Us a Ring:
Eager to chat? So are we! Call us directly at +44 0161 825 7 939
📧 Drop Us a Line:
More of an email person? We get it. Shoot us an email at info@rminfosec.co.uk, and we’ll get back to you pronto!
📍 Visit Our Headquarters:
Feel like having a face-to-face? You’re always welcome at our cozy office nestled in the heart of Manchester’s tech scene. Here’s where you can find us:
Manchester Technology Centre
Oxford Road
M1 7ED
We’re looking forward to connecting with you!